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    Outdoor Education • Private Guiding • Gear Rentals
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    Outer Coast Outfitters
    Outdoor Education • Private Guiding • Gear Rentals
Brianna Hagen

Being born and raised in Prince Rupert, BC I thought I had done most of the hikes...

Being born and raised in Prince Rupert, BC I thought I had done most of the hikes around the area which are easily accessible. However, April took a coworker, myself and a few others on the familiarization tour, which takes you right up to a waterfall on mount Hays. April is very knowledgeable about Prince Rupert and what is surrounding us. She told us facts about plants and old First Nations legends. We were never rushed to move forward, and hiked the mountain at a pace that was acceptable for all members of the group. When we reached the waterfall she was well equipped for any situation we would encounter. The familiarization tour was exciting for myself, being someone who has lived in the area for a long time, I am confident saying that anyone and everyone would love what this business has to offer. 


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